Trip to Las Vegas Fall 2020

I flew to Vegas on Jet Blue.  $100 each way.  The flight was good and on time.  When I arrived at the airport I remember walking outside and not sweating even though it was close to 90 degree.  It was kind of a refreshing change because where I reside in South Florida the humidity is high hence sweating your hind end off is not only commonplace yet the norm!  I chose to take this trip because a few days earlier my stock portfolio went up by 15%.  I remember going on facebook and posting that because of the bull market I will rent the most expensive room I can find.  I'm sure I could have rented a higher end room through a concierge but it truly was the nicest room I could find on The Encore by Wynn Panoramic Suite. It was a great room yet lacked in having a mini-fridge, I could never get a straight answer about the non-functioning mini-bar and I never could use my room credit.  During covid in order to use room credit you must make reservation.  Everytime I tried to make reservations for a restaurant they claimed to be booked up even though the hotel was fairly empty.  I'd estimate that the hotel was at 23% capacity and restaurants only need to be under 50% capacity.  The only part of the hotel that was crowded was the pool and it smelled like an alley in a big city.  Not what I expected from Las Vegas favorite hotel!!!

The trip itself was alot of fun.  I had lunch with an old friend of mine at the Trump Hotel and we traveled up into the mountains and took some photos.  The venture westward was accentuated by a visit to Blue Diamond, NV.  Its a small town that makes you feel like you are back in time, think back to the time era of Norman Rockwell paintings.  In fact there were some kids playing baseball at the local ball diamond and they should have been in a Rockwell piece.  The town hall, gas station, village mercantile, city hall and cop shop are all the same old wooden building!!  

Nevada seems like a great potential retirement spot!  The real estate rentals are extremely affordable there.  Think 5 bedroom mansion for under $1500 per month!!!

GAMBLING:  I won a few hundred collars on slots the day I arrived yet slowly put it back in the machines over the next couple days.  I'm not a huge gambler but I do love Las Vegas, the culture, the history, the Libertarian values all match my style!!

View from the Panoramic Room at The Encore by Steve Wynn

Sapio TREKsual Visits Chinatown Las Vegas

Humorous Las Vegas Mafia Spoof Video from travel writer Sapio TREKsual

Using a face shield during covid to gamble in Las Vegas without a mask!