Ambassadorship Program

Mediterranean Chamber is about: Trade, Culture, Cooperation and Understanding!

Mediterranean Chamber of Commerce will serve as a point of contact for people who wish to conduct business in and among the countries in the region and as a U.S. Liaison for people planning to introduce products & services to the U.S. Market and vice versa. Med Chamber seeks to retain two Ambassadors representing each country we are able to do business with in the region. One of the two Ambassadors will be someone residing in California and the other will reside in the homeland country. The ambassador residing in California will be involved in promoting business, culture and local events pertaining to such said country.

Responsibilities of CA Ambassadors include:

  • Assisting expatriates from his or her country of origin with referrals & business advice.

  • Provide referrals and introductions to the local or nearest Consulate when needed.

  • Help to promote local festivals, events and sister city programs.

  • Offer membership in the chamber to local expatriates.

  • Provide business startup advice in the native language of the expatriate.

  • Assist those planning to import or export product by working in conjunction with the overseas based Ambassador.

Responsibilities of Overseas Ambassadors will include:

  • Introducing the chamber to people in the homeland country in the native language.

  • Serve as a contact person locally for those planing to engage in international business.

  • Stay in touch with the U.S.-Based Ambassador to share referrals back & forth.

  • Reach out to neighboring countries in the Mediterranean region.

Benefits of Ambassadorship include:

  • Great source of referrals for people involved in import-export, immigration law and culture.

  • The charitable benefit of knowing that you are doing your best to represent your country.

  • Prestige of being an Ambassador of the Chamber.

  • 33.3% commission on every chamber membership initiated by the Ambassador.

Requirements of Ambassadorship:

  • Must be outgoing with a desire to help people and make introductions.

  • Must have held a high-level position in: international business, government or cultural relations.

  • Must be at least bilingual in English and the language of the country represented.

  • Must have at least a Master's degree or equivalent education / work experience.

  • Must by willing to invest a couple hours per week responding to emails and helping business people.